Friday, July 07, 2006

Gr8test achi3vement of the c3ntury

The gr3atest ach1evement of the c3ntury ain't the race to space, the internet, or the microchip. And you pretty well know what it is. It's already INSIDE you.

More and more people are realizing this powerful technology. A lot of people had been formulating buzzwords one after the other to name this incredible change going in and around us. A lot had been utilizing this technology and has produced phenomenal results! So why don't you invest in this technology. I know it will be worth it.

You may have heard of this once in a while. You could read it in the newspapers. It's all over in your workplace only if you feel your way around.

With this, you could solve the world's problems in innumerable ways. You could find the cure for the social cancer that has been killing us for ages.

Already have an idea what it is?

I will be dedicating my life harnessing the power of this tech and will be helping people by providing tutorials and lectures about this technology. Coz something this GREAT shouldn't die with me.


Blogger franjo said...

I am not aware of the theory. but would love to be enlightened. Hope to read it soon in your blog!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:56:00 PM  

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