Monday, July 17, 2006

Beautiful Ones

Went out for a little jog this morning. As I jog, in I met this young man and a lady but it seems that I couldn't keep up with them. I waited. It's a good thing too since I could have a taho break earlier. I noticed them coming around since the lady has this aura of spreading the light and love that she naturally possess. But the young man stopped as if it's a good chance to have a little chat.

He talked about the lady she's with. Yes, she's pretty. I noticed that duh! But what makes her beautiful? Is it because of her fair complexion, easy smile, Lovely eyes?

Look deeper, he says.

She can fix herself up, probably takes 3 hours to do that. Not satisfied with the genes and seems to make up for it. Conversations with her would make great blonde jokes, I said.

Still superficial.

You know what I thought of when I first met her? That she's a wonderful person. All women are. But she KNEW it. And lives with it day in day out. She doesn't have to hide it to please you. She have CHOSEN to be whatever she wanted to be and with that she's unstoppable, invulnerable even. Nothing you say or do will hurt her cause she won't let it. She's not vain, or egotistic - She is just trying to enrich this God given freedom and she's doing it with pride and enthusiasm.
I must have forgotten the meaning of beautiful. Must be the brainwashing I have done years ago when I told myself that I am not going to involve myself with the pretty-looking and the financially rich. I've got to look deeper in another person and help those who can not see their own beauty. But have I really done that? No I haven't. Instead, in college I changed my eyes but I become a cynic. Those who are pretty-looking are empty headed. And it became hardwired to me until now.

I realized that I didn't change my perspective. and that the style of brainwashing that I used to used made me blind.

I re-opened my eyes and there they are smiling, laughing to each other. and I realized that that was I a little less than 10 years ago and that was who I was with my first gf.

Is this what you were trying to teach me? To re-learn the things I already knew?

There's more to learn in the past. I don't have to shut it out.


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