Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ear Ring

You see, I never liked ornaments - object that enhances another object. I do admire creativity though, when we create things and embellish with the expected and the unexpected and either create an unnamed masterpiece or enhance an old one. Grown ups - as they like to be called - continually do these. Endless tinkering of their cars, endless redesign of houses, endless revamp of closets because Grown ups thought that these things that they're flashing describes them or their personality or their outlook and they like to label it as their "dream come true" for a moment and then be enslaved by it the next.

I have been hated, for not letting my precious daughter's ears pierced before she got out of the hospital and then everytime we go back after boost shots. And I have heard several malicious feedbacks like "I can't afford to buy an ear-ring - even silver" and relate it to "we married earlier (than the society suggests)".

My daughter, the unannounced leader of the household of three, holds beauty like all of us. Let objects decorate objects. I don't want her to be corrupted - that's the thing that I could not afford. Hey, I would let her choose eventually by the way. Probably when she's in her teens. When she makes up her mind when she's old enough to make her decision that she wants her ear's pierced (for most likely the wrong reasons - to belong) and it will hurt. It will hurt.